Why should any of you be surprised at anything that so called president of the United States does? His strategy is to do anything to stay in the news. I know trump is still president, but I hate he has the gall to make statements as if he is stating facts. I will have the gall to say he is lying and he knows he is lying and he knows why he is lying.
Yes he is going to pardon some others and even himself as if that is possible. Given the kind of people we have in office they just might let even that happen. The weakest of people in leadership positions are in office now. They let this sorry president do whatever he wanted without any kind of punishment.
He should be charged or pay a fine for every time he says there was fraud in the election when none has been proven. No one has cheated him. The American people did not want him for president in 2016 because he did not have the most popular votes. We know how he became president. The use of the crooked unfair electoral votes allows the desires of most of the people to be cheated and not get what they voted for. Another time 2020, the people still don't want trump for president. Most of the people don't like the chaos he incites nor the division he fosters. He is currently meddling in the run off races in Georgia. We would never need a reality show star to deal in real politics.