Fantastic series although the intention was most likely not meant to be what I took away from it. A truly genius and simple concept. Why would you not spread the word and works of Jesus throughout the leadership of our world and help our leaders to use their powers of influence over others for good and not evil? This is just incredible common sense, doing as Jesus asked his disciples to do in spreading the gospel and helping, working with and loving those who are lost, immoral and amoral. In the gospel, we learn that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. We learn to hate the sin but not the sinner, to love thy enemy and to judge not. Each day we wake closer to loving God more than we love ourselves, placing others above self and praying through Jesus for the forgiveness of sin (we ALL sin), we become closer to our maker. This is the ultimate life goal for so many of us. I will pray for the Fellowship to find the same kind of leadership that it found in Doug Coe. Perfect man? NO, there is no such thing but I pray that he's found peace and perfection in the eyes of the lord, for his service and effort.