The show pulls on typical, cliched, already-been-seen-before tropes. Predictable plot, never-ending and inconsequential, plagues the show. This show is dragging on and is miserably hackneyed and repetitive. Megan Boone's subpar acting and far-too-adulated and glorified character are jokes to behold. The only reason the show has survived this long is purely rooted in Reddington - in his character and conduit, James Spader and his acting, his language, his demeanour, but certainly not his inexplicable and unbelievably asinine, risible affection for the ever-lacklustre and under-performing "Elizabeth Keen". My God. There is clearly some talent in the execution of the linguistic writing and the delivery thereof, but this needs to end, and the end better be one to behold. This show is a cyclic circus of down-trodden indignation and abusive power, and is frustrating and unrealistic to any viewer. That said, the show is refined in its smaller, "lesser" plot points and narratives - the ones that revolve around creatively designed criminals who have a novel and refreshing take on criminality. That ultimately pulls the show together beyond the overarching plot that is, simply put, insipid, and pathetic. I am disappointed to say I have followed for so long; I held out at the hopes of a truly original, authentic, well-woven story, but... this has to suffice. It won't for much longer. As many would say, "Make it make sense!"