A woke load of bull from start to finish that was written by females with an agenda in mind.
Where to begin? The strong female lead (SFL) is in command on board a space craft where a white privileged male stages an ill-conceived mutiny on the basis of his power hungry misogyny. Rather than discuss options, he usurps her and sends the ship plummeting into a nearby planet. Thankfully, the SFL assumes command and saves the day but the misogynist white dude isn’t done. Inexplicably, he picks up and axe and attacks her, dying at her skilled hand in the process. If you think I’m joking I’m not.
The crew - earth’s best hope during this crisis, is a hodgepodge mix of twenty-somethings straight out of the jersey shore series, each with zero logic for them being there. Every male on the show is impulsive, lazy, misogynistic, sex crazed, and on drugs, while every female is strong, confident, and trustworthy. The only two males not ravaged by the writers are the African American and the transsexual (you think I’m making this up I’m not). The rest, each and every one of them, are individually responsible for actions that would ultimately lead to destruction of the ship if it weren’t for the heroic last second efforts of the SFL. At one point, the SFL literally tells one of the white privileged males to get her coffee, because he’s utterly worthless and lazy. It couldn’t not be more cringy. They’re not done with the gender antics, however. The mission commander, who is a woman, gets usurped by guess what, yes a white privileged male, and this dude at age 70 gets dressed up in commando gear, sports a m-16, and leads a strike force of 5 people in to assault the aliens head on. Of course by now the audience has given up on the series and the writing and is watching what now is unintended comedy as the story flops on the deck like a fish out of water, but therein is the appeal if your into that sort of thing.
So, guess what happens if you can. Each episode is white males, bad decisions, ship ready to explode, SFL does enough dancing, pot smoking, and sex to step in at the last second to save the day. If that sort of thing is up your alley have at it, but for the rest of us, it’s a sad pathetic attempt to club us with woke horse bull. Good lord....