Altogether too many of your guests, not to mention even some of your staff, seem to have no awareness of the need to speak clearly, and slowly enough to be understood. Amna Devas frequently seems to run out of control.
Just because you can understand them is no proof that your audience can. To put a finer point on it, this is a problem that is rarely encountered on commercial TV. Is it that big a challenge to have some dress rehearsal?
Yemeshe frequently speaks as if her hair is on fire. Judy speaks clearly, and all the men on your staff do. Some of the females do as well, for instance the reporter who frequently reports from the danger spots of the mid-east.
I go on about this because I get so frustrated, over and over.
Please take notice that you have a problem here.
Thank you for your attention, and some relief.
Bruce Abbott
Tiburon, CA