"But Always" is a touching and beautifully shot romantic drama that follows the lives of a young couple, spanning over a decade and across two different continents. Directed by Snow Zou and starring Nicholas Tse and Gao Yuanyuan, the film captures the essence of a bittersweet love story that transcends time and distance.
The film is visually stunning, with breathtaking landscapes and stunning cinematography that captures the essence of both China and the United States. The chemistry between the lead actors is palpable, and their performances are understated yet effective, bringing a sense of authenticity to their characters.
The story itself is engaging and heart-wrenching, exploring themes of love, loss, and the power of fate. The film does an excellent job of portraying the complexities of a long-distance relationship and the challenges that come with it.
Overall, "But Always" is a poignant and emotionally resonant film that will leave audiences feeling both heartbroken and hopeful. With its stunning visuals, excellent performances, and touching story, it is a must-watch for fans of romantic dramas.