When first hearing that EA was making another Star Wars game, I thought, great more loot boxes and an arcade style adventure game that focuses mainly on multiplayer. Then I heard no multiplayer and a heavy story driven campaign, I was very intrigued. As footage started coming out and more in game footage was shown, I got even more excited. My only concern was they had to get a better battle system to truly have a force experience. Upon purchasing this game I quickly realized that they had achieved a great balance on the control system and made the force fun and a challenge at the same time. Sure it has some flaws and can be a bit clunky in spots but this is what most fans have been waiting for. This game was for all Star Wars fans. If you’re a beginner or maybe just concerned about seeing the story play out you can turn down the difficulty and have plenty of fun hacking through enemy after enemy with minimal resistance. You can also turn the difficulty up to a challenge that some refer to Dark Souls, with a Star Wars skin. To those not familiar with Dark Souls, it’s a game that is famous for being hard, unforgiving, cruel at times, but amazing amounts of fun. Getting through this story on whichever difficulty you choose is a great time. There are some very amazing tie ins to the animated series and the way it expands the cannon lore is really creative. You have a droid companion, and my first thought was, why do we always have to bring along these cutesy droids, but this one really grew on me and is up among my favorite droids of Star Wars now. If you’re on the fence about this game just buy it, you will not be disappointed if you’re a Star Wars fan. I really think anyone can enjoy this game, non Star Wars fans alike. I can’t say how much of a pay off it is to complete this game, and it’s story. Great game and I can’t wait for them to get out some DLC.