I love this show more than i love myself. Now thats not saying much, but goddamn. If this was the only show I was ever allowed to watch, I would be happy. I am a fan of comedy, but also love to get in that deep zone that we all know. The 1st season is mainly the comedic season, but after that, the comedy becomes more rare to find. The writing, the acting, animators, storyline, etc are incredible. And the fact that they are able to convey this much feeling using animals as characters, is crazy. It mentions this in the show at some point, but Im so glad that it's not one of those shows that resets after 22 minutes. Each episode has a consequence. Even if it comes up seasons later. His mistakes don't just go away. He has to deal with all of them, just like real life. The show also does not shy away from sensitive subjects. In fact, the whole just is basically based around those subjects. This show covers suicide, depression, alcoholism, anxiety, divorce, death, bad childhoods, and so much more. All done with incredible writing. I could probably talk about this show for hours. But if you just look at the reviews for this show, the rating, the stars, etc, you will see that it's something you got to AT LEAST try to watch. Trust me. It will change your life, or at least the way you view your life. Thanks for reading this if you made it this far