I would like to talk about Racism... As a proud white American i stand behind equal rights. I stand with the Chinese i stand with the black rights movement!!!... Here is a show that u CONSTANTLY talk about white people and put us down and bash us "WHITE PRIVILEGES" also "WHITE MONEY" just those to statements are offending, if roles were reversed you would
BE PISSED AND DEMAND REPARATION... I feel like that if you dont like it and feel some type of way about living here then leave and go where you feel you belong or where you have family and i also find your show very one-sided and uneven. Why isn't there 1 white girl on the show??? The answer is clear: so that white people can be bashed thats why. If we had an all white show it would be protested before it hits the air... You need a Roseanne Barr to equal your show out.. Makes me sick some of the sh!t that comes out of these privileged wealthy womans mouths. Im offended and feel your SHOW is RACIST. Oh wait im not allowed to say that because im white!