I can’t say enough how tired I am of writers and directors pushing their hidden agenda through movies. Using this platform to constantly remind everyone that inequality, racism, and oppression have been a part of humanity since the beginning of time. Bright clearly isn’t afraid to piggy back off of that bandwagon and not even in a subtle way.
Because it’s a sci-fi fantasy there are Elves, Orcs and even a fairy or two. The elves are basically suppose to represent the white population. Being that as they are at the top of the food chain and control everything. They live the lavish lifestyle while everyone else is fighting for crumbs. Then there are the Orcs. They essentially represent the black population. Orcs are depicted as gang members and criminals. They even dress and use certain terminology that you would associate with modern day minority gangs. Humans just fall somewhere right in the middle of all of this.
For me the movie was just ok, but I believe it has a great deal of potential. If they would’ve spent less time promoting their “message” and more time on the lore of this fantasy world it could’ve been a great movie. They have confirmed that Netflix is currently working on a second installment of the saga so my fingers are crossed.
If you haven’t already I would recommend giving this a watch. The acting alone makes this an enjoyable and even at times a funny film. I look forward to seeing what direction the sequel goes and hope that it can be an experience to escape from the worlds problems, not be reminded of them.