Everyone in the review section has brilliantly explained this God Level MASTERPIECE. You can read all that afterwards but i will tell you something different which no one would have written.
I can write a book to explain the little details hidden in the show, its writting, dialogues, story n everything that all others are talking about.
But more than that, I would like to drag your attention on the MESSAGE that creators have brilliantly conveyed to the world through this show and through the dialogues althroughout the show.
Please focus on all the dialogues, all the quotes and narrations. Try to watch with AUDIO DESCRIPTION to even understand and learn from the silence of the show.
By the end of this show you will come out of it learning uncountable things. EITHER YOU WILL TURN MAD or YOU WILL TURN INTO YOUR OWN GOD and will make your life heaven.
If you got the message that creators have tried to spread through this. Only then these above 2 outcomes can happen.
I repeat, please focus on the message otherwise you are wasting director's time and efforts.
Saying anything MORE about this show will be LESS so I dont want to end my dictionary and finish my intellect here coz even if I will submit all my knowledge writting about it, it will not be a justice to the show or creators.