It was disappointing. This film felt pointless and wasted all of it’s potential. I went into this film wanting to love it. As I loved the original trilogy.
Rather than taking us in a new direction this film is too concerned with retreading old plot points and apologising for thing people have unfairly criticised about the original trilogy. These apologies mostly came in the form of cringe inducing jokes that wink at the audience.
Thee original trilogy took its self seriously whereas this one doesn’t even seem to care. Freeing Neo was handled lackadaisically by the other characters. And neo wasn’t even phased by having new eyes in the real world.
Morpheus was not necessary and would have had more impact if he wasn’t in it. Same goes for Agent Smith. HE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN IN THIS FILM AT ALL! And the actor… Oh the actor. In another film maybe he would have worked, but he cannot play Smith. Either that or the direction he received was abysmal. I hated how he spoke and pretty much everything he said. He was pointless and shouldn’t have been in it.
The fight scenes sucked the choreography was lacklustre. And the cinematography so terrible it was nothing but quick cuts and close ups. The fight scene against the french man shouldn’t have been in this film either. It was another pointless callback.
Oh also, the acting is embarrassing.
If you hated this film too remember to dislike on the overview tab!
All in all it didn’t make me cum and I wouldn’t recommend.