Not bad viewing.
Alot of fact mixed with alot of fiction. Many episodes started off down a road of explanation and just when you think you may get an answer or explanation it jumps ship back or forward into history to dead ends.
An example in the series, last epidlsode: 20,000 years ago there are primates with similar DNA to humans, then jumps to present day where humans are conscious beings unlike any other animals that ever existed. Mammals and reptiles have been around for hundreds of millions of years and all it takes is 20k years for humans to jump from primates to self conscious beings?
There are explanations science will never be able to give as we have not been granted this by our creator, GOD.
The world and all existence is absolutely beautiful, fascinating, astonishing. The more shows they create like this the more and more evidence that something like life itself couldn't not have happened without the grand creator, our heavenly father.
Such beauty and complexity, life is truly an astonishing gift.
God bless all. 🙌