There are 3 stories/games/movies I love. In no particular order: Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator, The Last Of Us Series. Wish I could give it 6/5 stars
Ok guys. There is no other way to put it. The Last of Us series is without a doubt one of the best (if not the best) story you will ever play in your life. It is the most serious adult story Ive experienced in my 20 years of playing Playstation products. Its a different type of good when you compare it to the story or complete game of GTA OR RDR2. I bring this up because as of late these have been sony's best games so far, also including god of war. But this story is not cynical or hypocritical comedy that is GTA and RDR2. This is a story for grown up adults. If youve played the first one then you know what Im talking about. If you havent played the second one because "ThE PrOduC3rs FiLleD pLOT wHOles WiTh StuPiD StORIES'' what do people think would happen if you traveled across the country in a post apocalyptic USA? Get to your objective without hurdles? Youre bound to come across difficulties in a journey like that and Druckman in my opinion tell a great (maybe a bit exaggerated at times) story.There is literally nothing wrong with this game. People complaining that the story deviates from Ellie's goal, or that new playable characters are nonsensical to play, are delusional. The fact that Naughty Dog was able to fit so much development and history and background into these new playable characters takes my breath away. Also if you're one of the people saying its a bad game because some characters arent straight, grow up. This is the most emotional game Ive ever played. The developers do a great job of making you emotionally attached to almost every single character in the story, playable or not.The first installment puts you in a "we have to survive at all costs" perspective/position, which is a "tone" in the first installment. On the second one, the developers put you in a neutral spot, making you more emotionally invested in more than one character taking you from "we have to survive at all costs" and touches on how a persons actions and reasons to survive or protect a people are not so different from others. Everything that happens in TLOU, happens exactly as it should. The whole thing plays as a T.V. series. If youve ever wanted to "play a t.v. series/show" this is the closest you will ever get and Naughty Dog wont disappoint.