This is probably the first time I have written a review. Been waiting a long time to watch this movie coupled with all the 5 star ratings in here which made me watch WW84 led me to voice this out, so here is my two cents
By Zeus
I get that people have their own tastes, but to give this movie anything above a 2 star is just ridiculous. And to say that it was better than the first.
The sheer number of plot holes in this movie itself should make anyone question their decision to watch it, as it did for me (Even though I should probably list them out here so that people won't make that mistake, I don't want to be the one to "spoil" it for others). And the morally questionable decision to write in Chris Pine the way they did raised a lot of red flags for me and I can see that it also did for others too.
Then there was the mediocre CGI here and there which kept me thinking is it just me or does that look like a decade old effects.
I personally couldn't feel any fault acting wise (Lots of faults in their story arc but none in their acting).
I love superhero movies and I loved the first WW, so I had a bit high expectations from this one and if they make a third one I would probably watch that too (A glutton for punishment, but hey couldn't be worse than this can it). I can appreciate the work that goes into making a movie but with this one I think the decision to make this script (Into which probably no effort was taken) into a movie itself was just a big mistake that made the movie fight an uphill battle.