I know many critics and naysayers have likened it to Suspicion and Gaslight, which are not unfair comparisons. Many say that Stanwyck gave a distracted performance and Bogart's was over the top. I concede the merit in those arguments, but nonetheless, it remains one of my absolute favorite classic movies. While it's not much of a mystery since his intent is fairly obvious from the outset, the atmosphere and build up make up for any deficits, in my opinion. Bogart may be over the top, but his performance is menacing and creepy, and I'm terrified of him right away. It put me in mind of another great vehicle of his, Conflict, which I also recommend.
The only downside for me was the daughter. Her extremely articulate and overblown adult caricature is overblown and somewhat creepy. I thought the picture could have done without her entirely.
Great atmosphere, amazing setting, wonderful... Albeit predictable... build-up, and just a really fun film. I watch this movie a couple times a year. Go in with baseline expectations and you'll probably be pleasantly surprised.