Sorry but as complicated as the story may be. This was the only real solution. Although not revolutionary as the first three. The movie was more cg than real. But it felt real. It will not please everyone to see this film. But for everyone looking for a continuous to the story. This movie is a real delight to me. I’ve been around for 42 years and I’m impressed. Film and cg can now blend so perfectly. The actors if they wanted to now could just do green screen and film us two more movies. But even I got to say this is a good place to end it also. Loved the ending. Also if you have a gaming pc or a ps5 or a Xbox series s or x. Check out the free game on the steam or PlayStation store or Xbox store. It’s more detailed than GTA 5 and I really hope they make a full game. It’s ground breaking fun because it looks real now. Same as the cg in this movie.