The story of the movie "Black Phone" is not an original story. This film is based on a short story of the same name, written by Joe Hill; A writer who is actually known as the son of Stephen King, a famous American writer and novelist. Scott Derrickson, along with another person, developed a screenplay based on this story that differs significantly from the original story. If this movie had been made with more precision and more time, and if it had avoided emotional juxtapositions, it could have turned into a magical realist movie by using better and more accurate elements. Many sequences of the film had a strange talent to become a rich cinematic work, but it was felt that the author went through the material without any attention and just to attract the audience. Or superfluous elements that suddenly looked more like humor than a serious work, such as the girl talking to God or the father's unrestrainedness, but overall it was interesting that he likened the human society to a perverted society.