Alyssa Milano is a terrible choice for hosting this great show. She looks truly laughable in her high fashion ensembles that must take a village to design but Miss Piggy inevitably comes to mind every time she waddles on stage. And her tweet calling the Covington kids klansmen should have her exiled from any realm of entertainment. I consider her a child molester for that tweet and sincerely hope she is sued into penury. This is an opportunistic, stupid and overweight grade B tv wannabe trying to leverage her me too racism-baiting blather into stardom. I paid to watch the full season and will finish it for several of the designers but if the show continues in this very political tone I’m done with it. We don’t watch it to be “taught” how to vote. We watch it to see fabulous fashion unfold before our eyes. Don’t destroy the show to somehow expunge the stink of Harvey Weinstein.