I think it is important to understand that this film does have some gaps but overall the message is clear: Eating a low fat high carb diet has proven to be much less effective than a keto type diet.
There is mounting evidence that if followed correctly, a keto diet can have many health benefits.
I think the biggest thing to take away from this film is that processed foods and refined carbohydrates have no place in the standard diet and that eating more "good" fat from meat, fish, poultry and olive/coconut oils from high quality sources (pastured animals and organic oils/vegetables) can actually improve some health conditions.
The film should have emphasized "good fats" more often because critics slam it for things like bacon yet not all bacon is processed...fresh from the butcher it has no additives or sugars plus the fact that I didn't even see people cooking bacon in this film!
Plus, vegetables and fruit can be as much or as little as you want. The film doesn't focus on that part but it is noteworthy that non starchy vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale and brussel sprouts are encouraged and are in fact some of the healthiest vegetables on the planet. Berries of all types (except bananas, yes bananas are berries!) are also encouraged because they are typically lower in carbs than most other fruit and are very high in antioxidants.