“Black is King” is a visually appealing lavish music video. Not a film. There is no clear story line and I’m not sure what the overall message is.The positives...I’m half black and I think it’s great black kids In today’s society can see that black in fact is very beautiful.
The amount of time and money she put into this video could have went towards making a real difference in African communities. I’m sure she does her part and donates but I would have rather seen a documentary on her going to villages/communities and helping people of colour.
Instead we got a bunch of glamour shots of her in the best clothes money can buy. “Black Is King” but only when you have the money. I see through the materialistic truth of it all.I didn’t feel the raw passion that is rooted into black culture and our history. Just another outstanding performance by Beyoncé nothing more nothing less and that’s exactly what this “film” is, a performance. I would have liked to see something more genuine and truthful.