Honestly? It’s not great, but it’s not bad either. The only two well written characters were Fliss and Conrad, so when I accidentally killed them both I wasn’t too interested in what happens to the other characters, nor was I interested in the story past that point.
The story itself isn’t too compelling, I didn’t find it interesting at all. At least with Until Dawn there was a very heavy story element during the entire game, being able to find clues/hints as to what’s actually happening around the characters, with MOM. I feel like it’s the opposite, the clues do not help you at all, and the pictures don’t do anything except show you a possible future, out of the tens of which there are.
All in all, I wouldn’t pay full price for this game. It’s not good, but it’s not awful. It’s got some beautiful renders and settings, but poorly written and designed characters with no redeeming features.