An awesome game. Not just the story, but everything about it, gameplay, art etc. Don't listen to the bad reviews, they are either haven't even played the game, homophobic or upset because the story did not go to the way they were expecting. Again this game is mind blowing. I just think the critic on this game is unfair. Firstly some based it of the trailer and rumors, without even playing the game first, I was expecting for you to play the game first and say something about it. Well I can tell you as I have finished the game it is a masterpiece, everything is the opposite of what they are saying, it's scarier and in fact more emotional than the first game and a lot darker. And just because you didn't like how the story would go as you expect it to be, it does not mean it is bad. I am upset that Joel died (spoiler alert) but his story was pretty much told in the first game. It would have been repetitive if he was to stay longer but it's still would have been interesting how his character would have progressed. The story did went unexpectedly but I believe it was done on purpose, to basically capture the gamers emotions and give the trilogy a new meaning and direction when Last of Part 3 comes out. If your still upset because of rumors, trailers or because the game went on a different direction, then tough sucks to be you. In fact why don't you apply to Naughty dog, and tell the story you want to be told? In the end the game was still able to tell the story the way they want it to be told and they conveyed it perfectly. In fact I love how it was done unexpectedly, it was shocking in a good way. But too sensitive to some people out there who's tied to the characters of the first game. What a bunch of nitwits.