Im going to give this a 3, not based off mostly negative feedback, but the things that need to get fixed or fine tuned... Playing the game isnt too bad, its at your own accord. The map i cant say is large... But huge??? Its not what you expect as an MMORPG based on lvling and how thing are with the character system, but more of Gear Score... Lvling is part or very small part of how your character lvls, but that more towards dungeons whether its 2 man, or either of the 5 man... Other than that its all Gars Score. The weapons and armor that randomly drop from anything Except fishing which was recently added to the game. The upgrade systtem feels difficult when you reach a high rarity in the game from Epic to legendary and slowly enhancing legendary in general... A lot of ppl have said this game is pay to win, and well playin this game for a month, i havent really seen ppl paying this game and winning at anything... The crafting system, for those that enjoy crafting is huge from all aspects from logging, to gathering... The list possbly goes on, and since the new DLC has dropped, crafting has gone even further with the system... I have not checked this out at all... but lvling your crafting, or shaping, or enchanting, or black smithing and so on have lvl in general with certain RSS required to increasing the lvling of specific set crafting system. But does not limit you on what you can craft.... Its is a huge grind, countless amount of hours of doing everything you can. The difficult part or atleast from what I experienced while playing this game, and cant really count on others for the same thing is while playing the campaign and lvling there were certain roadblocks ex:lvl15-17 felt like it took forever to lvl... Now hanging out with friends that have played this before it became free had told me when you get to certain points in the game, run side quests... So initially I didnt think to do it.. But doing so helped lvl in general and well you have to do them anyways, especially as you gain blue seeds in the game, you have to use them to open the campaign further.... There's a MP (market place) where you can sell just about everything you gain in the game. Now since this has been around, the prices can be really insane.... So go to that at your own leisure. I will say this, the perks that come with the armor, do not, and I say again they DO NOT lvling or increase with your enhancement. Doesnt mean they wont change this later... But currently atm they dont at all... Which makes the game that much more grinding on RSS, gear etc... Its open world and you have the freedom to what you want, after a certain point in the game. I believe just past tutorial. Fishing is really cool and touchy, you can fish along the river at sepria north and south along the river.... Open world bosses are always around to do for certain RSS that come from them... Theres regional chest that refresh daily to gain chest from these open world bosses. I hope this helps... Enjoy the game and Be safe.