This film left out key details from the book that explains many ongoing including, but not limited to, the true downfall of the True Knot and Rose's increased desire to catch Abra and why they really needed her steam, aside from the fact that steam was becoming scarce. By changing the end of the film from what happened in the book to try to reconcile the true ending of the book The Shining made no sense. And killing off key characters who aren't supposed to die doesn't make a movie better and scarier. It just makes true Stephen King fans disappointed and angry. Had this movie actually followed the book better and included the chi elements of the book as they should have been this movie would have been a lot better and made much more sense. Very surprised he approved of this given how much he hated the original version of The Shining. Hopefully a remake can be done in the near future that is actually accurate and true to the book.