Luscious scenery which I enjoy as familiar with Humbolt county, Ca and recognize location names. I know it's BC but that's ok, it still reflects the feeling.
Well, these relationships keep us going with a lusty rendezvous in each episode. I will say that costuming is always very tidy even if the character has been repairing the roof or shoveling snow. The romantic segments are high grade but I somehow feel if I were to spend quality time with Jack I'd like him shaved and bathed. Mel can sweetly suggest this in an honest romantic scene since Jack is so in love he'll run her a bath. So she's sweetly ready but I don't know about him with that scratchy face. And Doc, the Wonder of patience. The popular candles by the dozen preparing the set for who knows what? Annette does a convincing job with her trying personality but not so bad she is a toxic character. Charmaine. What a convincing portrayal of a woman who won't give up.
But introductory dialogue? All start with "Hey" and continue to circle a bit until it's time to part which is indicated by "got to go!" Yep!
Does this town have a gas station? A barber shop would be good too for the guys.
Anticipating more bullets, pregnancies and serious illnesses for our cast.