Wow. I'm not a professional writer or a movie critic in any way... but Fraiser's acting was mind blowing in my opinion.
I was so torn between wanting to like him and wanting to hate him at the same time. I'm not going to sit here and break down what happened in the movie, you've most likely seen it if you're here. I'd like to know how close the movie is to the actual play.
All the 1 star reviews are coming from angry Christians and homophobic people.
I saw a man mentally and physically destroy himself due to the choices he made in life...I saw a man who loved his boyfriend so much that his death destroyed him. I see regret and love and pain and anger.... I see confusion about religion and how one interprets scripture...
This is just me though, a regular Joe... just trying to enjoy a movie.
Then all these hateful comments by God loving people.
Regardless, incredible acting... had me feeling every single emotion from hate to love to defeat. I thought it was incredible. Never seen a movie like it with a story so moving.
God loves everyone. Period.