Dune is definitely a sand dune of a movie. It’s completely tedious and tiring to get through. The cinematography is a joke. Half the run time is people briskly walking, ships slowly ascending and descending, and people standing or sitting moodily in the center of the frame. Every single person, object and action is framed right smack dab in the center of the screen throughout the film which means that even the most intense moments have all the emotional impact of a PowerPoint presentation. If watching a two hour long slide show of a desert sounds fun to you then this is your movie.
It’s really such a shame because the movie has everything else going for it. Great world design, good costumes, decent acting and writing. If you close your eyes and listen to just the audio it’s a pretty good adaptation of Dune but as soon as you open your eyes it scatters in the wind. What’s left is a film that confuses and disappoints its audience. I’ve left very few movies in recent years where I heard actual disgruntlement from exiting patrons. This movie is unfortunately one of them.
Such a shame. It could have been epic if only something had actually happened.