I grew up with quite a bit of LoZ, so naturally, I was super excited for Breath of the Wild. Despite that, I wasn't able to play it until recently, and let me say that my expectations were not only met but surpassed. I managed to stay blind to the game for three years, and that was a good move because there is so much in this game to take you by surprise; hearing Kass in the distance for the first time, encountering a Hinox, finding Lynels. There are Fairy Fountains, Koroks, Blupees, The Lord of the Mountain, many fun characters, and a thousand different things you can do, and a thousand different ways you can do them. Whether you follow the story, or just explore the world, there is so much to discover and have fun with. I can understand the complaint that the story can feel a bit lacking in places, but I think it can also work in favour of the game overall, but that might just be. Regardless, BOTW was certainly an incredibly enjoyable experience for me, and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone interested.