As a co-administrator to several large fb groups, one of them that's been going strong since 2012, I had to sit back and reanalyze my life after watching this program. I actually took things to the next level by completely stepping away from fb for over a month now.......... like an addict has to do when going to rehab....a sort of "dry-out" period. I've never been a drinker, a smoker or a drug user but realized after watching this program that I was in fact an addict. Could I quit cold turkey for a period of time to see where my life went without facebook/social media? It had been the first thing I did when I woke in the morning......seeing how many times my posts.....myself in general.......were validated by "likes". Who am I without those thousands of people that I've never met but follow my photo posts? How many would take the time to call me to talk or write an email to that was a paragraph or two instead of a short one line text message? What I found out was that the real people that knew and cared about me called. We talked for long periods of time. We told life stories, we wrote long email thoughts......... snail mail is something nobody does anymore. My dogs were taken on more walks, I learned how to take my toilet apart and fix it, pulled out more books, dug into history of the area I lived instead fb's happened in the moment events that were getting just ridiculous. Yes, I'll go back to fb when I'm ready as I have an "un-paid responsibility" to thousands of people (that I don't personally know) because of being an administrator of several sites, but I'll do it with the lessons I've learned from my "dry out period" . It's like an alcoholic that goes into a bar for the conversations there but not the booze. Social media is the controlling drug that must be taken in moderation..........and The Social Dilemma program is what opened my eyes to this. Every high school , maybe Jr. Highs in the country should have this shown in the classroom with a day or two classes afterwards just to discuss their thoughts. Robin Hammer Mueller.