Usually watching movies based on books I want to cry, because the source material has been butchered by an uncaring money-hungry industry.
With Dune I cried because I was happy. The tech was represented exactly as I imagined it reading the books, the different factions were shown to be alien and terrifying to us - exactly how an advanced future civilization would be. The casting, sound design, acting, costumes, sets - everything was done with love and care for detail and it showed.
I was very impressed with how Giedi Prime was designed, and how Arrakeen was an echo of Harkonnen architecture. The heighliners were very cool and exactly as huge as I imagined they'd be.
COSTUME DESIGNS OH MY GOODNESS! The intimidating and dark figures of Bene Gesserit were absolutely incredible, none of the costumes looked goofy or nonsensical, the navigator league's representatives in melange space suits with blue eyes glowing through were a subtle touch of greatness.
Character designs had me gasping for air. Lady Jessica's costumes, baron Harkonnen looking TERRIFYING, his nephew looking exactly like a tool he is...
I loved the huge carpet on the imperial delegation ship, it was comical and grand at the same time!
Everything just made sense, the setups came together beautifully and the movie did show us more than it told. I have great respect and admiration for everyone who created this movie. This is truly a worthy adaptation for a very complicated and nuanced piece of literature.
The only thing I didn't like was how the great love between Jessica and Leto wasn't really shown as clearly. Their love was a very important part of the story to me.
I can't wait to see how the sequel portrays all the characters we hadn't met yet and how Paul will change as he grows into a man.