Finally got around to watching the whole Saga now that I'm actually older lol. New Moon is the better of the saga because to be honest its less Edward and Bella that I need to see. I thought Kristen and Taylor actually had better chemistry than her and Robert, even though they dated IRL. I liked how Bella/Jacob would tease each other, it was just more natural chemistry. Edward/Bella felt forced and the awkwardness of them makes me cringe in every single scene they are intimate.
I don't think its as bad as the haters say or that they are all horrible actors, I actually think in some scenes both Kristen and Rob were good - when they are not together - its the dialogue that is dear good awful and basic and so is a lot of the direction. Luckily the soundtracks, especially in New Moon, also helps to save the movie. I mean Thom Yorke c'mon, the execs were at least smart about that.
Michael Sheen is always awesome so I enjoyed his scenes, same for Dakota, although that other Voltaire older gentleman is super annoying and not scary but actually laughable.
Also thought Jackson R. was not very good , combo of bad direction and maybe him not knowing how to play the role. The rest of the crew were fine I suppose, I probably liked Alice the best.
You're probably not missing much if you don't see these movies but I wanted to see what all the hoopla was about. Although do yourself a favor and skip the first one, I can't even watch it.