I heard a Kenyan coughing Swahili. Seriously, I didn't know it was Swahili until I saw the subtitles. Kenyan Swahili accent is smooth. And the kikuyu, don't get me started, I thought it was xhosa or something. Hahaha
A movie gets our attention because of its originality. When the director realized the movie will not be shot in Kenya, and no Kenyan cast would be hired, he should have rushed back to the script right at the opening sequence, cut the word Narok and replace it with someplace in Johannesburg, then continue telling story from there.
Did the machines had appetite for black skin alone? Through out the movie they are being zipped to nothing while the white punks stand there. Honestly, I thought it was a setup somehow and the white punks had something to do with the machines. Turns out no.
So I'm asking the honourable writer/director, build a culture-specific original story. One that you fully understand from all corners.
When Kenyans or other people are faced by a problem in their country, they don't wait for Americans to solve it for them, they do it themselves. In short, you could have simply made an amazing movie if you found a Kenyan protagonist. The current protagonist is neither here nor there. He has no idea of destroying the ship until he bumps into a group of Kenyans trying to survive. He doesn't build the bomb or help in it building. Just a deus machina ending of him detonating it.
This is by far the worst sci fi film I've had to watch.