I have watched the today show for many years. It has always been my number news show to go to. What l seen last night on the town hall interview was so unprofessional by Savannah I started to think that her and the president were debating, it was a terrible interview. Regardless of what she thinks of him its not her place to give her opinion of him when she is there to do a job for the american people to ask questions. Her a aggression toward the president was obvious. Like l said the today show has been my number one show for 40 plus years,but what l have been seeing lately from your journalist on the show. I'm about to turn the channel for good. Its obvious she dosent like our president and thats fine but he is still our president like it or not and she should of had more respect for him last night in the interview its not her place to sway the american people one way or another. Its her job to deliver the news to the American people.