Let me first say i am a DnD fan but not in the hardcore sense that im a stickler for rules. DnD was designed for you to imagine an adventure and have fun with it. These Devs promised an adventure and they did some great work with cinematics, characters and story delivery. However. This game is not only clunky when it should be smooth, it has so many bug that you can lose your saves, get stuck in mid air for no reason, animations were done by what i can only believe as novices, who just got their hands on animation software. The AI does not exist. So even at the highest challenge setting, its dull often. Or the oposite the actions dont connect and you cant kill anything. I shot one gobilin for a whole 30 seconds and it took zero damage. that should tell you that this game should never been on the market. They put out free DLC recently but have not fixed all the issue with the begining content. I am still bugging out on the first boss of the game.
So The game itself is garbage, the cinematics are great, the acting fun but this game isnt even worth your time. If they sell it for a dollar sure waste your time with frustrating bugs and loss of saved time. If you like punishing yourself.
To those who made this game. I am severly dissapointed with your lack of respect for the DnD community and placing such an unfished, peice of art on the market. You should be ashamed of yoursleves. My advice, dont put out your other DLC till this content runs smoothly, which by the state of it will take you at least a year, it really shouldnt even take that long if you focus your resources time and effort.