I really enjoyed this movie. Although I think the ending could have been better if the movie was lengthened. I think where it stopped it felt like a break before a commercial and that would be great if this was a TV show. This movie had its own take on Zombies which I was pleasantly surprised by. It wasn’t predictable, nor was this movie. I really enjoyed the acting in this movie as well. Aidens (Tyler Poseys) heartbreak and emotional state was portrayed very well during his time alone. It made his excitement towards finding someone else (Eva, Summer Spiro) that much better. I kind of hope there is a second one just to explore all my unanswered questions. Like, are there other survivors? Can they survive outside of their complex? I feel like journey needs to happen for the Aiden and Eva. I would have given this a 5 star but I didn’t enjoy the ending being so abrupt.