This show honestly didn't start off very good. The pacing was off, the characters uninteresting, and the storyline pretty stagnant. I continued to give this show a chance despite all of that out of pure nostalgia, I really liked the original series, but it became quickly apparent nostalgia would not be enough for this show to be good.
Then... we have the most recent episode, episode 15. In this episode it is revealed that the mother of the two protagonists is a little girl from the original show... you see, this wouldn't be a big deal if the father wasn't that little girls protector and guardian, and if said little girl was an actual adult when she had these two children.
Their relationship reeks of grooming. A man took care of this little girl, protected her, brought her gifts, and stayed in contact with her the whole time she was growing up, only to when she was just barely old enough (it is implied that she is 15 when she gives birth to these children) 'marry' and get her pregnant. It is very sickening. The whole things is made worse by the fact that this show is made for and marketed to little girls.
It is a very strange and disturbing show.