If you want to become freshly enraged about the massive war crime we call the Iraq war, go see this film. Perhaps the most emotionally distressing aspect is the underlying knowledge that absolutely nothing has changed on any level of power, in any way, since this extraordinary deception.
Bush and Blair continue to be celebrated in high society.
Intelligence agencies continue to illicitly gather compromising material to use as blackmail and extortion on people who might stand in the way of this war-for-profit gravy train.
We continue to be deliberately and criminally deceived about these so-called humanitarian wars by a media that continues their fawning sycophantic support of the war-loving establishment.
The butchery-for-Raytheon profits continue with no end in sight.
It's a great yarn well told, Knightly is perfect as Katharine Gun, and it has a lot of very interesting old footage from the time which will have you shouting at the screen in frustration. But the effect on most will be excruciating cognitive dissonance between the world we think we live in and the actual power structures that manipulate us into handing our tax money over to kill poor people overseas for geostrategic reasons that benefit no one except the very rich and powerful.
This is the only reason why this will get bad reviews. A must-see for anyone who prefers their truth straight-up. This is the kick in the face we need if we are ever to see through the lies and bring a halt to war-for-profit.