Generally speaking, I am entertained by John Scalzi's works. I've read most of the books, including the two precursors in this trilogy. Other than having to play catchup with the plot and the characters (which Scalzi managed to inculcate into the strip, it's fun and interesting and...and.
My only oddly negative comment is: it's like he isn't taking the 'opera' aspect of the story very seriously (not sure if he should, but...) all the characters have sardonic senses of humor, are quite witty, and even the general 'narrator's voice' when displayed, applies a good deal of humor and funny observations. It seems like every character wants to be a standup comic.
This is and of itself isn't necessarily offputting; as I've mentioned, it's a well-written story and the plot is interesting. But...still...the style is just...kinda hilarious. It's almost as if Scalzi said 'To hell with ponderous observations, I'm going to have some fun, make every character witty and hilarious, and be damned.'s almost is like reading a space opera...but everybody would be spectacularly funny at cocktail parties, even as their observations propel the plot, which is the end of the known future civilization they are all part of, all want to preserve for their own selfish (occasionally not) reasons, I said: entertaining. But odd.