This game changed my life & of course many will dislike this game but for me in the beginning since I'm new to the series when it came out I was horrible I died alot & got detected constantly at points I hated it & once I got to a quiet exit mission I uninstalled the game it got that bad but I couldn't help to not stop playing I began to slowly fall in love with it reinstalling it again story wise & most definitely gameplay wise & as I got better especially when I discovered George Salonikh on YouTube but before George I noticed how much impact it was on me I felt like I was the character and the moment I beat it & saw the real ending I lost it with tears & the joy that Hideo Kojima brought me was the moment this man is genius & knows how to impact his fans..and to this day I can't stop thinking of this game & please give this game a try even though the character barley doesn't speak he doesn't need to look at his actions it's that only what is effective... cause that's why Hideo Kojima is so genius at what he does. Please buy Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain you won't regret it!