It is important to differentiate excellent storytelling from a story that delivers what we wish for characters we have come to love. TLoU2 delivers a powerful and, yes uncomfortable, experience with plot points rooted in the morally complex characters and their development it chooses to examine. It is, in many ways, a heartbreaking, even shattering, meditation on loss, trauma, violence, and the cycle of vengeance. And, few, if any, characters escape unscathed by the tragic events that unfold. TLoU2 is not a game that will leave you feeling triumphant. In fact, you are much more likely to finish with a powerful sense of loss and, perhaps, with a strange kind of vicarious and sympathetic sense of trauma. That said, if you want to experience a narrative that will likely make you feel uncomfortable; will lead you down a dark labyrinth of loss, tragedy, pain, and, possibly even redemption; will likely, if you let it, ask you to question “are not all heroes the villains in another’s story?” will likely make you rethink what storytelling in games can achieve, TLoU2 is the game you have been waiting for.