"Ratsasan" a masterpiece oscar desrving suspense thriller movie where plot goes with some mystery murders of young girls in a very brutal manner and a newly joined police who wants to become a film director and spend his whole life in research of criminals and psycho killers. When he come to know about these murders he was sure that there is a psycho behind these murders as after each murder, the murderer leave a doll in a gift box and the murder will not stop until he solves the mystery. There were many people who can be suspected as a murderer. At each point of solving the mystery the police finds some clues and discover the past life of the psycho. There were a long time police killer chase and at last the psycho was caught. The movie was casted in a so simple and real manner which will catches all the audience and make them think about the mystery but every time you guess the killer the next moment you will realise that you are far behind the realilty.