It's a movie with mixed reviews. I will try to propose both the sides
These are the people who
1) Don't like animated or kids movie
2) Don't understand unique concepts
3) Undermine the Indian cinema
4) Who genuinely are not into this gener
1) Are kids at heart
2) Likes animated and childish movies
3) Would engulf anything on the platter
4) Loves and appreciate animated features
5) Creative and innovative in thoughts
Now, let us talk about the movie
1) A regular story with unique plot lines
2) Amazing cast and acting
3) Average dialogue writing
4) Amazing Animation for indian standard even for today
5) The movie was really ahead of its time
The movie was released in the times when parents would leave the kids in the theater if such gener movie was screened. That way, it failed to capture serious audience. The music is good enough to humm with the songs, but still, a little kiddish for people. A true fan can never go without saying MAMANTARAM to the eco of JAJANTARAM.
It is worth watching. one should try this. Watch it with the kids of your family if need so. They'll be served with a genuine delightful experience.