This is the worst Star Trek ever made. It's more like a teenager summer-hit-book written in space as the values of the Federation are thrown in the dumpster. Each season starts with an interesting premise, builds up and then disappoints immensely. Is almost as if the writers brainstormed what could be the worst resolution for the conflicts and chose that one.
Season 1:
Lorca is an awesome captain -> woow turns out he is a space Che Guevara, what an unexpected twist!
Klingon war -> a really interesting conflict with no solution from the Federation, gets solved in the most antifederational way
I could go on but each season has the same disappoint formula. The plots are so badly written and the 90% characters are flat out boring. We don't have a strong crew bridge like in other ST series. Here we just have Burnham and her intellect. Unfortunately to reach her vastly superior intellect, we need 20 minutes of crying scenes. Easily the worst Star Trek ever made.