At first, it was an amazing game, I absolutely loved it, however, after less than 2 hours of playtime, the game started instantly crashing when launched, saying Timed out waiting for response from mongoose. This bug has been around since the day after its release, and it still hasn't been addressed. I tried contacting steam support however they were completely incompetent and there seems to be no set solution online, only solutions that seem to apparently work for some people and not work for others. Utterly disappointed. Eventually, I just got a refund because after 5 hrs total of attempting to fix this bug, multiple requests for support from steam, all they had to give me was half baked solutions like "You should remove razer software" which I did, and it still didn't work and "You should verify your game files" which I had already done multiple times and I prefaced the whole interaction saying that I had already verified my files for both HL: Alyx and SteamVR multiple times, they also told me to go into the beta version, which I knew wouldn't work due to their incompetence to fix a single bug over the span of more than a year, however, I humoured them and did it anyway, and it still didn't work as I thought. I wish steam started caring about their customer experiences rather than putting bad staff on their support team and forgetting about it.