I usually love Robert Harris’s books and am amazed by the amount of thought/research that goes into them. This one I’m not so sure about.
The concept that so much dependence in our modern lives is placed on electronic devices and that the internet is the source of all knowledge, is a great one. It worries me too. So, I can see why Morgestern’s Ark is a good idea should the technology fail. I can understand (if not support) why many generations (I assume) later when they emerge from the Ark, they found it necessary to massacre the indigenous people and take over their lands etc. What I don’t understand is why they still seem to be treating their phones/tablets as religious/precious objects (they decorate Morgenstern’s tomb) when they must have been useless for a very long time. Surely Morgenstern would have predicted it was necessary to stock his ark with old fashioned knowledge in the form of books, so that when his people emerged from the ark, they would not have been so ignorant of science. Am I missing something?
I will still read everything he writes.