So many threads of this third film are so far from the first two themes and layers that it comes off overall as a bridge too far. And Lecter... this one really messes with his character and lowers it several notches. His lines arealmost campy... our last encounter turned out rather messily... messily? I am amazed Hopkins allowed his lines to get so lame. Keitel is way off the mark, totallyout of character. The Bad lieutenant film, Sensual Obsession with Garfunkle.... all within his realm, but not this. And Norton, the switch from woman fed to male had to be and i buy him mostly, even that he is a master rather than a Starling type novice is ok but taken with the rest of this films failings Norton is the baby that gets thrown outwith the bathwater.
Fans can love it because of where it generated from but just like Godfather three it made me gag now and then... could chew it ok but could not swallow the tainted bits... and the smell.