Archer is a fantastic adult animation show focused around sterling archer a good looking hot shot secret spy. Working for a secret intelligence agency (isis) witch his emotionally distant hardcore mother runs & it is really funny!! However the show dips after season 5 or 6 I can’t remember witch lol & the dynamic of what they do changes & keeps on changing each season and dose not really make sense to witch makes it hard to follow. It is still funny & worth watching all the seasons it was just a bit of a let down for me as the first few seasons are amazing & then it was probably my favourite show definitely of its type!! But like I say after about season 5 it changed and definitely not for the better!! I know a few people that stopped watching it after season 5/6 due to the changes & it was there favourite show up until then anyone who has watched it will understand I’m sure & if you are going to don’t let this put you off as like I’ve said the show is amazing and really funny & definitely worth watching!! Even with the changes take care people 🙏👍