Game is fun until you get to level 34+. Then you grind for materials to upgrade your gear (you can't progress or do anything new until you do), then you fail 10+ times in a row with the 'Master Enhancer', erasing days of grinding in seconds. This is with the 'new and improved' upgrade system too. Its happened too many times simply to call it bad luck. I hung on for this update when things would be improved and, if anything, its worse.
Developers, its no fun to consistently work on something with nothing to show for it again and again. Its boring. Do you even test these things? Do you honestly spend days grinding only to fail again and again and report to management, 'Yep, best game ever'.
Much (all?) of the game's higher level crafting content are locked in 'legendary chests' which spawn rarely, and on top of that, rarely drop anything worthwhile even if you can get by the farming guilds who have each spot camped et nauseum. I'm level 36 and have never gotten one.
Higher level blessings will require thousands of hours to get to.
I am quitting the game at this point. Time to try something new. Players considering this game, I would think long and hard. Your better off going outside, digging a hole for 4 hours, then filling it back in, every day... for months. At least you'll get some exercise.