People made assumptions about how bad this movie was because
1 -
Most parents of the demographics whose kids like movies like that HATE Lebron. What they didn't anticipate though is how much their kids will love the movie, and they as well.
2 -
LeBron being a polarizing social consciousness figure to half of America made it a despised movie even before it was actually released.
So people actually watched it and 8 in 10 LOVED it on release date.
I watched the trailer, wasn't impressed. Watched the movie, WOW! Funny, hilarious, and again - funny. The animation is sensational. LeBron is not a bad actor at all. He is actually good and he can get better like the Rock by movie #5. The Rock did a lot of movies to become good and mainstream.
I'm not surprised it beat Black Widow. This movie was not MeeToo'd nor snowflaked. I loved it, PERIOD!